21 February 2013

Announcements 'widget'

I just finished programming the Announcements thingamabob you see at the top of the rightmost column of this site. (Not sure of these technical terms. It might be more of a doohickey than a thingamabob.) It was programmed in JavaScript, and, as I am not especially confident of my ability to program in JavaScript, I cannot promise at this point that it will work correctly. I can promise that if your web browser does not support JavaScript (most offer this support, though some people turn it off), it will not work for you.

What it SHOULD do is provide the current date and a few announcements, including scheduled local meetings, office hours, etc.

If you would like me to include an announcement for a function of your organization or agency in this whatchamacallit, just let me know through thunt@gmail.com (also let me know what sort of notice you would want to give people in advance of the date of the function - a day, a week, a month...).

Oh, wait. There's one other thing: I believe I can make an announcement clickable. I haven't tried it yet, but I think it would work. So, if you have a website related to your organization or the function you wish to announce, be sure to let me know so I can try to send some web traffic your way.

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