These FREE events will take place on the Whiting School grounds
- 4-5 p.m.- Social Hour
- 5 p.m. - National Anthem and Reading of the Charter
- 5:15 p.m. - Free Pig Roast and Pot Luck Dinner (Bring a dish to share)
- 6-9 p.m. - Street Dance on basketball courts (Music by Jam Man Entertainment)
- Dusk - Fireworks.
Historical Display of Whiting,
Bouncy House, Snow Cones, Pop Corn,
Fire Department equipment on display.
"Our Whiting" books will be on sale.
Bring your own chairs to watch fireworks and listen to the music.
Draft of concurrent legislative resolution congratulating Whiting on its 250th anniversary. (Text drawn from Annual Report of the Town and School District, Whiting, Vermont, January 1 to December 31, 2012. Some web links provided for additional information.)
250 Years Old on
August 6, 2013
Offered by: Representative Stevens of Shoreham.
Whereas, the town of Whiting was established on August 6, 1763, pursuant to a charter that New Hampshire Royal Governor Benning Wentworth issued to 48 proprietors including five members of the Whiting family - Captain Nathaniel, Eliphalet, Asa, John and Lewis, and
Whereas, the boundaries of Whiting were described in the charter as "Beginning at the Northwest corner of Leicester, from thence to North Eighty five degrees West to the West line of Bridport to a stake and a stone...," and
Whereas, the original proprietors held a meeting in Wrentham, Massachusetts on October 6, 1772, and
Whereas, following an onsite survey, Elihue Marshall constructed the first log cabin in Whiting at a location known as Walker Hill, and
Whereas, the first proprietors' meeting held in Whiting took place on August 13, 1784, when John Willson was selected as the town clerk, and
Whereas, the proprietors agreed to forfeit over 7,000 acres, mostly swamp, to the towns of Leicester and Cornwall to correct an error in the charter's boundary description, and
Whereas, in 1784, the voters of Whiting elected Samuel Beach as their first State Representative, and
Whereas, the first road built in Whiting was the old proprietors road which extended on a north-south axis through the entire town, and
Whereas, in 1787, the proprietors' role was concluded, the town was officially organized, and the first town meeting was conducted, and
Whereas, the town of Whiting was located originally in Bennington County, then became part of the newly established Rutland County in 1781, and later at its request was assigned to Addison County, where it has remained despite a subsequent request of the electorate to be reassigned to Rutland County, and
Whereas, by the year 1804, the first school house had been constructed as the local electorate decided to conduct town meetings in this building, and
Whereas, Jeremiah Hall of Whiting invented the first circular saw in the United States, and
Whereas, local sawmills, sheep raising, and dairy farming have each played an important role in Whiting's economy, and
Whereas, 2013 marks 250 years since the town of Whiting was established, now therefore be it
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives:
That the General Assembly congratulates the town of Whiting on its sestercentennial anniversary, and be it further
Resolved: That the Secretary of State be directed to send a copy of this resolution to the Whiting Town Clerk.
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