Annual Town Meeting Warning
The legal voters of the Town of Whiting, Vermont, are hereby warned and notified to meet at the Town Hall, in said Whiting, Vermont, on Tuesday, March 5, 2013, immediately following the school meeting to transact the following business.
ARTICLE I | To elect a Moderator for the ensuing year. |
ARTICLE II | To receive and act upon the report of the Town Officers. |
ARTICLE III | Will the town elect the Officers as required by law in the following order" A. Select Board for 3 years B. Lister for 3 years C. Auditor for 3 years D. Collector of Delinquent Taxes E. Library Trustee for 3 years F. Library Trustee for 2 years G. Road Commissioner H. First Constable I. Second Constable J. Town Juror |
ARTICLE IV | Will the Town give the Delinquent Tax Collector the power to collect the delinquent taxes? |
ARTICLE V | Shall the town authorize the Treasurer to collect real property taxes to the Treasurer on or before December 2, 2013, because the 1st is a Sunday (POSTMARKS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED)? |
ARTICLE VI | Will the town appropriate $325,821.00 expenses and indebtedness of the town of which $67,133.06 will come from taxes? |
ARTICLE VII | To transact any nonbinding business deemed necessary and proper when met.
SELECTBOARD: Chair Ellen Kurrelmeyer,
Steve Quenneville and Bob Wood.