24 August 2012


We have really enjoyed our restaurant experiences in the area. I don't think we've had a single unpleasant, non-pizza meal (pizza will be discussed in another post).

A couple of the kids have asked me, "Why does everything taste better in Vermont?" I've speculated a bit: Maybe they slip maple syrup in everything, maybe it's the cheese or the bread or the milk or the butter or the fresh meats and vegetables, maybe it's the lingering French influence. I don't really know the reason, but the kids are right in their observation. Even the food at the usual fast-food restaurants is noticeably better.

Here's a list of the local places we've eaten at so far - it's just off the top of my head, so it may not be a complete list (most pizza restaurants omitted):

Places we have intended to visit but haven't gotten to just yet: Cafe Provence in Brandon, Vermont Chowder House in Brandon, China House in Middlebury. I'm sure with time we will be adding more to this list.

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